About Tixumshush
Tixumshush founded CreativeNative LLC in December 2023. She has been creating art since she was 12 years old. Her artwork includes sewing, beading, painting, digital art, and photography. She can also basket weave.
She is an enrolled tribal member from the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs in Oregon.
Tixumshush's favorite product
Tixumshush's favorite product
Northern lights woman jingle dancer - by Tixumshush, Sara Dowty
All of the aurora borialus northern light spiritual dancing series of paintings and their products. Sara had dreams that inspired her to begin painting. These dreams were persistent and powerful.
The dream: “I was in the clouds, a spiritual realm, surrounded by white. I was on my knees crying and giving up on life. I didn’t want to go on. Suddenly, I began to hear a drum in the distance, it got closer and closer, louder and louder to me. Soon the sound surrounded me. I stopped crying and looked up. I was curious at first wondering who they were. Then I knew, they were my chiefs, my ancestreal chiefs and leaders in my family. They continued singing and drumming while surrounding me. Suddenly, I felt uplifted. I felt supported. I felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness. Now, my tears of sorrow turned into tears of joy. I began to smile. I started to get inspired to stand because I suddenly wanted to dance to their drumming and singing. When I stood, they started to war cry and screaming in happiness. I began to dance. Then, I woke up.
The next dream I had I was standing there watching the stars and star gazing. Suddenly, the northern lights appeared. I could see them moving and dancing. Then, I noticed they were spirits dancing in the sky. There were all sorts of different dancers of every kind. I watched in awe until I woke up.
These dreams persisted for a few years and I wondered how I would share my story. I am not a painter. I am not an artists. I am a story teller. These paintings are my stories, “ Tixumshush.
These dreams were inspirational. It was powerful. “My spiritual ancestors wanted to remind me they are always with me.” We are all supported. We are all loved. Our ancestors are always with us. They want to guide and support us to be the best we can be.
“My ancestors wanted me to remind everyone, you are not alone. Live each day like our ancestors are watching. Would they be proud of you?” Be inspirational.
Tixumshush has been learning about painting since she was 10 years old watching Bob Ross on PBS. She still enjoys watching the shows during down time. Only in 2023 has she began actual painting on canvas! Her first 2 paintings were gifted to someone dear to her. She began selling her paintings at the local Christmas bazaar and she wants to continue painting as her new hobby. She created this website to be able to sell digital canvas prints of her artwork to share stories of the paintings with everyone!
All original paintings will be for sale the local Tananawit store in Warm Springs, OR. Tananawit is located next to the Indian Head Casino at the Warm Springs travel plaza.
Tixumshush paints using acrylic and oil painting on canvas.
Wherever she is, she is ready to take photos. She enjoys taking photos of beautiful sunsets.
Tixumshush enjoys traveling. She also enjoys a variety of hobbies. While traveling or on her adventures, she will stop and capture the scenery around her when she sees beauty. She shares them on her personal social media pages. Only recently has she decided to begin selling her photographs. Her photographs are mainly from the Pacific Northwest region.
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Sara has worked as a supervisor for 6 years. She has worked in an administrative setting managing businesses for 8 years. She worked 10 years in customer service. Her most recent employment includes working at the Warm Springs Community Action Team as a Technology Workforce Manager. She was also an arts business manager at Tananawit. She also was a guest services supervisor at Mt. Hood Meadows for almost 4 years.
Tixumshush is excited to utilize her leadership and business skills to help this company thrive.
Sara was 12 years old when she was first taught how to sew. Her first traditional regalia outfit that she first created can still fit to this day! She learned how to bead and attach designs to that outfit. Since then, she began making a lot of her own powwow regalia. She can sew, bead, crochet, basket weave, paint, and takes photos.
She is inspired by dreams she has. She is inspired by the natural beauty in the world. She is inspired by tradition, history, and stories she was told. She wants to share her stories with the world through art pieces.
Her art goal is to learn digital arts. She wants to design high fashion clothing someday. She has all sorts of fun sewing ideas. She will enter a few local Native American fashion shows with her sewing skills. Hopefully soon, you will see new clothing products available on this website when it is ready.
Tixumshush is an active outdoor person. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, ice skating, yoga, kayaking, paddleboarding, and inner tubing on the river.
She enjoys powwow dancing and traveling to powwows near Oregon. She learned how to traditional dance first when she was 7 years old. She has been dancing every year since. She particularly enjoys iron woman specials.
Another hobby of hers is documenting her powwow travels and posting them on YouTube. You may subscribe to her channel at NativePrincessJoy.
When the Oregon ski resorts are open, she will be found at a ski resort snowboarding. She documents her trips on her personal social media video reels.
She occasionally enjoys playing video games. She recently has been enjoying virtual reality gaming. Recently she created a new channel called “Virtual Vision”. Other links found on her personal social media accounts.
Favorite painter: Bob Ross, naturally!
Favorite powwow dance: Women’s jingle.
Favorite hobby: snowboarding.
Favorite ski resort: Mt. Hood Meadows.
Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden for their soup and salads.
Favorite movie: Forest Gump.

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We hope you enjoy our artwork as much as we enjoy creating the art pieces.
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